How John D. Rockefeller Influenced Modern Medicine

Did you know that oil tycoon and business magnate John D. Rockefeller helped to remove “holistic” and “alternative” plant medicines from the teachings of medical professionals in the United States? That’s right! Most well-known for his career in big oil and the petroleum sector, Rockefeller, at the time of his death, was estimated to be worth 300 to 400 billion … Read More

Not All Delta-THC is the Same

Cannabis is a fascinating plant made of thousands of compounds, including hundreds of various terpenes and cannabinoids. Each of the compounds offers unique properties and purposes within the genetic makeup of the plant and how it affects those that consume or otherwise utilize it. One of the most infamous compounds in cannabis is undoubtedly THC. THC is scientifically known as … Read More

Edibles – A Deep Dive into Cannabis Infusions

Cannabis edibles, have you tried them? Are you thinking about trying them? No matter if you already enjoy edibles or are considering giving them a try, this deep dive into cannabis-infused edibles is sure to help give you a better understanding of these products. Just like cannabis, cannabis edibles have grown in popularity in recent years. People enjoy cannabis-infused edibles … Read More